Documentation Style Guide

This page gives writing style guidelines for the Kubernetes documentation. These are guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

For additional information on creating new content for the Kubernetes documentation, read the Documentation Content Guide.

Changes to the style guide are made by SIG Docs as a group. To propose a change or addition, add it to the agenda for an upcoming SIG Docs meeting, and attend the meeting to participate in the discussion.


Kubernetes documentation has been translated into multiple languages (see Localization READMEs).

The way of localizing the docs for a different language is described in Localizing Kubernetes Documentation.

The English-language documentation uses U.S. English spelling and grammar.

Documentation formatting standards

Use upper camel case for API objects

When you refer specifically to interacting with an API object, use UpperCamelCase, also known as Pascal case. You may see different capitalization, such as "configMap", in the API Reference. When writing general documentation, it's better to use upper camel case, calling it "ConfigMap" instead.

When you are generally discussing an API object, use sentence-style capitalization.

The following examples focus on capitalization. For more information about formatting API object names, review the related guidance on Code Style.

Do and Don't - Use Pascal case for API objects
Do Don't
The HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource is responsible for ... The Horizontal pod autoscaler is responsible for ...
A PodList object is a list of pods. A Pod List object is a list of pods.
The Volume object contains a hostPath field. The volume object contains a hostPath field.
Every ConfigMap object is part of a namespace. Every configMap object is part of a namespace.
For managing confidential data, consider using the Secret API. For managing confidential data, consider using the secret API.

Use angle brackets for placeholders

Use angle brackets for placeholders. Tell the reader what a placeholder represents, for example:

Display information about a pod:

kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n <namespace>

If the namespace of the pod is default, you can omit the '-n' parameter.

Use bold for user interface elements

Do and Don't - Bold interface elements
Do Don't
Click Fork. Click "Fork".
Select Other. Select "Other".

Use italics to define or introduce new terms

Do and Don't - Use italics for new terms
Do Don't
A cluster is a set of nodes ... A "cluster" is a set of nodes ...
These components form the control plane. These components form the control plane.

Use code style for filenames, directories, and paths

Do and Don't - Use code style for filenames, directories, and paths
Do Don't
Open the envars.yaml file. Open the envars.yaml file.
Go to the /docs/tutorials directory. Go to the /docs/tutorials directory.
Open the /_data/concepts.yaml file. Open the /_data/concepts.yaml file.

Use the international standard for punctuation inside quotes

Do and Don't - Use the international standard for punctuation inside quotes
Do Don't
events are recorded with an associated "stage". events are recorded with an associated "stage."
The copy is called a "fork". The copy is called a "fork."

Inline code formatting

Use code style for inline code, commands

For inline code in an HTML document, use the <code> tag. In a Markdown document, use the backtick (`). However, API kinds such as StatefulSet or ConfigMap are written verbatim (no backticks); this allows using possessive apostrophes.

Do and Don't - Use code style for inline code, commands, and API objects
Do Don't
The kubectl run command creates a Pod. The "kubectl run" command creates a Pod.
The kubelet on each node acquires a Lease… The kubelet on each node acquires a Lease
A PersistentVolume represents durable storage… A PersistentVolume represents durable storage…
The CustomResourceDefinition's field… The field…
For declarative management, use kubectl apply. For declarative management, use "kubectl apply".
Enclose code samples with triple backticks. (```) Enclose code samples with any other syntax.
Use single backticks to enclose inline code. For example, var example = true. Use two asterisks (**) or an underscore (_) to enclose inline code. For example, var example = true.
Use triple backticks before and after a multi-line block of code for fenced code blocks. Use multi-line blocks of code to create diagrams, flowcharts, or other illustrations.
Use meaningful variable names that have a context. Use variable names such as 'foo','bar', and 'baz' that are not meaningful and lack context.
Remove trailing spaces in the code. Add trailing spaces in the code, where these are important, because the screen reader will read out the spaces as well.

Use code style for object field names and namespaces

Do and Don't - Use code style for object field names
Do Don't
Set the value of the replicas field in the configuration file. Set the value of the "replicas" field in the configuration file.
The value of the exec field is an ExecAction object. The value of the "exec" field is an ExecAction object.
Run the process as a DaemonSet in the kube-system namespace. Run the process as a DaemonSet in the kube-system namespace.

Use code style for Kubernetes command tool and component names

Do and Don't - Use code style for Kubernetes command tool and component names
Do Don't
The kubelet preserves node stability. The kubelet preserves node stability.
The kubectl handles locating and authenticating to the API server. The kubectl handles locating and authenticating to the apiserver.
Run the process with the certificate, kube-apiserver --client-ca-file=FILENAME. Run the process with the certificate, kube-apiserver --client-ca-file=FILENAME.

Starting a sentence with a component tool or component name

Do and Don't - Starting a sentence with a component tool or component name
Do Don't
The kubeadm tool bootstraps and provisions machines in a cluster. kubeadm tool bootstraps and provisions machines in a cluster.
The kube-scheduler is the default scheduler for Kubernetes. kube-scheduler is the default scheduler for Kubernetes.

Use a general descriptor over a component name

Do and Don't - Use a general descriptor over a component name
Do Don't
The Kubernetes API server offers an OpenAPI spec. The apiserver offers an OpenAPI spec.
Aggregated APIs are subordinate API servers. Aggregated APIs are subordinate APIServers.

Use normal style for string and integer field values

For field values of type string or integer, use normal style without quotation marks.

Do and Don't - Use normal style for string and integer field values
Do Don't
Set the value of imagePullPolicy to Always. Set the value of imagePullPolicy to "Always".
Set the value of image to nginx:1.16. Set the value of image to nginx:1.16.
Set the value of the replicas field to 2. Set the value of the replicas field to 2.

However, consider quoting values where there is a risk that readers might confuse the value with an API kind.

Referring to Kubernetes API resources

This section talks about how we reference API resources in the documentation.

Clarification about "resource"

Kubernetes uses the word resource to refer to API resources. For example, the URL path /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments/my-app represents a Deployment named "my-app" in the "default" namespace. In HTTP jargon, namespace is a resource - the same way that all web URLs identify a resource.

Kubernetes documentation also uses "resource" to talk about CPU and memory requests and limits. It's very often a good idea to refer to API resources as "API resources"; that helps to avoid confusion with CPU and memory resources, or with other kinds of resource.

If you are using the lowercase plural form of a resource name, such as deployments or configmaps, provide extra written context to help readers understand what you mean. If you are using the term in a context where the UpperCamelCase name could work too, and there is a risk of ambiguity, consider using the API kind in UpperCamelCase.

When to use Kubernetes API terminologies

The different Kubernetes API terminologies are:

  • API kinds: the name used in the API URL (such as pods, namespaces). API kinds are sometimes also called resource types.
  • API resource: a single instance of an API kind (such as pod, secret).
  • Object: a resource that serves as a "record of intent". An object is a desired state for a specific part of your cluster, which the Kubernetes control plane tries to maintain. All objects in the Kubernetes API are also resources.

For clarity, you can add "resource" or "object" when referring to an API resource in Kubernetes documentation. An example: write "a Secret object" instead of "a Secret". If it is clear just from the capitalization, you don't need to add the extra word.

Consider rephrasing when that change helps avoid misunderstandings. A common situation is when you want to start a sentence with an API kind, such as “Secret”; because English and other languages capitalize at the start of sentences, readers cannot tell whether you mean the API kind or the general concept. Rewording can help.

API resource names

Always format API resource names using UpperCamelCase, also known as PascalCase. Do not write API kinds with code formatting.

Don't split an API object name into separate words. For example, use PodTemplateList, not Pod Template List.

For more information about PascalCase and code formatting, review the related guidance on Use upper camel case for API objects and Use code style for inline code, commands, and API objects.

For more information about Kubernetes API terminologies, review the related guidance on Kubernetes API terminology.

Code snippet formatting

Don't include the command prompt

Do and Don't - Don't include the command prompt
Do Don't
kubectl get pods $ kubectl get pods

Separate commands from output

Verify that the pod is running on your chosen node:

kubectl get pods --output=wide

The output is similar to this:

NAME     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP           NODE
nginx    1/1       Running   0          13s   worker0

Versioning Kubernetes examples

Code examples and configuration examples that include version information should be consistent with the accompanying text.

If the information is version specific, the Kubernetes version needs to be defined in the prerequisites section of the Task template or the Tutorial template. Once the page is saved, the prerequisites section is shown as Before you begin.

To specify the Kubernetes version for a task or tutorial page, include min-kubernetes-server-version in the front matter of the page.

If the example YAML is in a standalone file, find and review the topics that include it as a reference. Verify that any topics using the standalone YAML have the appropriate version information defined. If a stand-alone YAML file is not referenced from any topics, consider deleting it instead of updating it.

For example, if you are writing a tutorial that is relevant to Kubernetes version 1.8, the front-matter of your markdown file should look something like:

title: <your tutorial title here>
min-kubernetes-server-version: v1.8

In code and configuration examples, do not include comments about alternative versions. Be careful to not include incorrect statements in your examples as comments, such as:

apiVersion: v1 # earlier versions use...
kind: Pod
... word list

A list of Kubernetes-specific terms and words to be used consistently across the site. word list
Term Usage
Kubernetes Kubernetes should always be capitalized.
Docker Docker should always be capitalized.
SIG Docs SIG Docs rather than SIG-DOCS or other variations.
On-premises On-premises or On-prem rather than On-premise or other variations.
cloud native Cloud native or cloud native as appropriate for sentence structure rather than cloud-native or Cloud Native.
open source Open source or open source as appropriate for sentence structure rather than open-source or Open Source.


Hugo Shortcodes help create different rhetorical appeal levels. Our documentation supports three different shortcodes in this category: Note {{< note >}}, Caution {{< caution >}}, and Warning {{< warning >}}.

  1. Surround the text with an opening and closing shortcode.

  2. Use the following syntax to apply a style:

    {{< note >}}
    No need to include a prefix; the shortcode automatically provides one. (Note:, Caution:, etc.)
    {{< /note >}}

    The output is:


Use {{< note >}} to highlight a tip or a piece of information that may be helpful to know.

For example:

{{< note >}}
You can _still_ use Markdown inside these callouts.
{{< /note >}}

The output is:

You can use a {{< note >}} in a list:

1. Use the note shortcode in a list

1. A second item with an embedded note

   {{< note >}}
   Warning, Caution, and Note shortcodes, embedded in lists, need to be indented four spaces. See [Common Shortcode Issues](#common-shortcode-issues).
   {{< /note >}}

1. A third item in a list

1. A fourth item in a list

The output is:

  1. Use the note shortcode in a list

  2. A second item with an embedded note

  3. A third item in a list

  4. A fourth item in a list


Use {{< caution >}} to call attention to an important piece of information to avoid pitfalls.

For example:

{{< caution >}}
The callout style only applies to the line directly above the tag.
{{< /caution >}}

The output is:


Use {{< warning >}} to indicate danger or a piece of information that is crucial to follow.

For example:

{{< warning >}}
{{< /warning >}}

The output is:

Common Shortcode Issues

Ordered Lists

Shortcodes will interrupt numbered lists unless you indent four spaces before the notice and the tag.

For example:

1. Preheat oven to 350˚F

1. Prepare the batter, and pour into springform pan.
   {{< note >}}Grease the pan for best results.{{< /note >}}

1. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until set.

The output is:

  1. Preheat oven to 350˚F

  2. Prepare the batter, and pour into springform pan.

  3. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until set.

Include Statements

Shortcodes inside include statements will break the build. You must insert them in the parent document, before and after you call the include. For example:

{{< note >}}
{{< include "" >}}
{{< /note >}}

Markdown elements

Line breaks

Use a single newline to separate block-level content like headings, lists, images, code blocks, and others. The exception is second-level headings, where it should be two newlines. Second-level headings follow the first-level (or the title) without any preceding paragraphs or texts. A two line spacing helps visualize the overall structure of content in a code editor better.

Manually wrap paragraphs in the Markdown source when appropriate. Since the git tool and the GitHub website generate file diffs on a line-by-line basis, manually wrapping long lines helps the reviewers to easily find out the changes made in a PR and provide feedback. It also helps the downstream localization teams where people track the upstream changes on a per-line basis. Line wrapping can happen at the end of a sentence or a punctuation character, for example. One exception to this is that a Markdown link or a shortcode is expected to be in a single line.

Headings and titles

People accessing this documentation may use a screen reader or other assistive technology (AT). Screen readers are linear output devices, they output items on a page one at a time. If there is a lot of content on a page, you can use headings to give the page an internal structure. A good page structure helps all readers to easily navigate the page or filter topics of interest.

Do and Don't - Headings
Do Don't
Update the title in the front matter of the page or blog post. Use first level heading, as Hugo automatically converts the title in the front matter of the page into a first-level heading.
Use ordered headings to provide a meaningful high-level outline of your content. Use headings level 4 through 6, unless it is absolutely necessary. If your content is that detailed, it may need to be broken into separate articles.
Use pound or hash signs (#) for non-blog post content. Use underlines (--- or ===) to designate first-level headings.
Use sentence case for headings in the page body. For example, Extend kubectl with plugins Use title case for headings in the page body. For example, Extend Kubectl With Plugins
Use title case for the page title in the front matter. For example, title: Kubernetes API Server Bypass Risks Use sentence case for page titles in the front matter. For example, don't use title: Kubernetes API server bypass risks


Do and Don't - Paragraphs
Do Don't
Try to keep paragraphs under 6 sentences. Indent the first paragraph with space characters. For example, ⋅⋅⋅Three spaces before a paragraph will indent it.
Use three hyphens (---) to create a horizontal rule. Use horizontal rules for breaks in paragraph content. For example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic within a section. Use horizontal rules for decoration.
Do and Don't - Links
Do Don't
Write hyperlinks that give you context for the content they link to. For example: Certain ports are open on your machines. See Check required ports for more details. Use ambiguous terms such as "click here". For example: Certain ports are open on your machines. See here for more details.
Write Markdown-style links: [link text](URL). For example: [Hugo shortcodes](/docs/contribute/style/hugo-shortcodes/#table-captions) and the output is Hugo shortcodes. Write HTML-style links: <a href="/media/examples/link-element-example.css" target="_blank">Visit our tutorial!</a>, or create links that open in new tabs or windows. For example: [example website]({target="_blank"}


Group items in a list that are related to each other and need to appear in a specific order or to indicate a correlation between multiple items. When a screen reader comes across a list—whether it is an ordered or unordered list—it will be announced to the user that there is a group of list items. The user can then use the arrow keys to move up and down between the various items in the list. Website navigation links can also be marked up as list items; after all they are nothing but a group of related links.

  • End each item in a list with a period if one or more items in the list are complete sentences. For the sake of consistency, normally either all items or none should be complete sentences.

  • Use the number one (1.) for ordered lists.

  • Use (+), (*), or (-) for unordered lists.

  • Leave a blank line after each list.

  • Indent nested lists with four spaces (for example, ⋅⋅⋅⋅).

  • List items may consist of multiple paragraphs. Each subsequent paragraph in a list item must be indented by either four spaces or one tab.


The semantic purpose of a data table is to present tabular data. Sighted users can quickly scan the table but a screen reader goes through line by line. A table caption is used to create a descriptive title for a data table. Assistive technologies (AT) use the HTML table caption element to identify the table contents to the user within the page structure.

Content best practices

This section contains suggested best practices for clear, concise, and consistent content.

Use present tense

Do and Don't - Use present tense
Do Don't
This command starts a proxy. This command will start a proxy.

Exception: Use future or past tense if it is required to convey the correct meaning.

Use active voice

Do and Don't - Use active voice
Do Don't
You can explore the API using a browser. The API can be explored using a browser.
The YAML file specifies the replica count. The replica count is specified in the YAML file.

Exception: Use passive voice if active voice leads to an awkward construction.

Use simple and direct language

Use simple and direct language. Avoid using unnecessary phrases, such as saying "please."

Do and Don't - Use simple and direct language
Do Don't
To create a ReplicaSet, ... In order to create a ReplicaSet, ...
See the configuration file. Please see the configuration file.
View the pods. With this next command, we'll view the pods.

Address the reader as "you"

Do and Don't - Addressing the reader
Do Don't
You can create a Deployment by ... We'll create a Deployment by ...
In the preceding output, you can see... In the preceding output, we can see ...

Avoid Latin phrases

Prefer English terms over Latin abbreviations.

Do and Don't - Avoid Latin phrases
Do Don't
For example, ... e.g., ...
That is, ... i.e., ...

Exception: Use "etc." for et cetera.

Patterns to avoid

Avoid using "we"

Using "we" in a sentence can be confusing, because the reader might not know whether they're part of the "we" you're describing.

Do and Don't - Patterns to avoid
Do Don't
Version 1.4 includes ... In version 1.4, we have added ...
Kubernetes provides a new feature for ... We provide a new feature ...
This page teaches you how to use pods. In this page, we are going to learn about pods.

Avoid jargon and idioms

Some readers speak English as a second language. Avoid jargon and idioms to help them understand better.

Do and Don't - Avoid jargon and idioms
Do Don't
Internally, ... Under the hood, ...
Create a new cluster. Turn up a new cluster.

Avoid statements about the future

Avoid making promises or giving hints about the future. If you need to talk about an alpha feature, put the text under a heading that identifies it as alpha information.

An exception to this rule is documentation about announced deprecations targeting removal in future versions. One example of documentation like this is the Deprecated API migration guide.

Avoid statements that will soon be out of date

Avoid words like "currently" and "new." A feature that is new today might not be considered new in a few months.

Do and Don't - Avoid statements that will soon be out of date
Do Don't
In version 1.4, ... In the current version, ...
The Federation feature provides ... The new Federation feature provides ...

Avoid words that assume a specific level of understanding

Avoid words such as "just", "simply", "easy", "easily", or "simple". These words do not add value.

Do and Don't - Avoid insensitive words
Do Don't
Include one command in ... Include just one command in ...
Run the container ... Simply run the container ...
You can remove ... You can easily remove ...
These steps ... These simple steps ...

EditorConfig file

The Kubernetes project maintains an EditorConfig file that sets common style preferences in text editors such as VS Code. You can use this file if you want to ensure that your contributions are consistent with the rest of the project. To view the file, refer to .editorconfig in the repository root.

What's next

Last modified June 07, 2024 at 4:31 PM PST: Update (c9fb2678dd)